This self-development program is an initiative hosted by the Natural Service Organization, a 501c3 organization (EIN #: 87-1091520) based in Bay Area, California, in collaboration with
The purpose of the program is to bring about positive individual growth through value-based education and effective daily meditation practices. Students are provided with continuous mentor guidance.
It is well known since the ancient Vedic times that yoga meditation practices have the power to transform our inner being and endow us with a sense of inner freedom and aliveness. These practices bring about peace, harmony and balance within individuals, as well as in communities and the world at large.
We offer a variety of classes, workshops, and retreats that are suitable for different levels and ages. Our instructors are qualified teachers with a minimum of 10 years of teaching experience in the field of education and meditation.
We strive to create a supportive environment where interested students can come together and share their journey toward personal growth, well-being, and higher living.